Children’s Day was one of many exciting events happening during the 2012 Iowa Arts Festival. Children’s Days is a free event produced by the Iowa City Public Library with help from a variety of local organizations. Children’s Day featured activities and entertainment geared toward children.
We also had a hands-on table filled with fossils from Devonian period to the present. Children and adults were able to touch and discuss these million year old fossils.
Alex Woods from the Office of the State Archaeologist demonstrated to families how to flint knap. What is flint knapping? It is the making of chipped stone tools. This technology was used in historic times to manufacture gun flints and in prehistoric times to make spear and dart points, arrow heads, knives, scrapers, blades, gravers, perforators, and many other tools.
Flat Rusty even got to get his hands dirty looking for fossils! We had a wonderful time at this year’s Children’s Day. It is always great to see all the children and families come out to such a fun event. To learn more about Summer of the Arts events later this summer check out their website at:
-Written by Assistant Education Coordinator Ashlee Gloede
-Written by Assistant Education Coordinator Ashlee Gloede
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